Migrating from Froala to TinyMCE

This page covers the basic steps for migrating from Froala Editor 3 to TinyMCE 7. Procedures and links to our documentation have been included to assist with your migration to TinyMCE.

Covered in this section:

Migrating a Basic Froala Configuration to TinyMCE

To migrate from a basic Froala 3 configuration to a basic TinyMCE 7 configuration, you need to:

  1. Replace the Froala links and source scripts with a TinyMCE source script.

  2. Replace the Froala editor variable assignment with the tinymce.init function.

  1. Remove the Froala links and source script, located in the <head> of the target HTML page. For example:

    <link href='/path/to/froala-editor/base/directory/css/froala_editor.pkgd.min.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
    <script type='text/javascript' src='/path/to/froala-editor/base/directory/js/froala_editor.pkgd.min.js'></script>
    <link href='/path/to/froala-editor/base/directory/css/froala_style.min.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
  2. Insert a TinyMCE source script into the <head> of the page.

    • For Tiny Cloud deployments:

      <script src='https://cdn.tiny.cloud/1/your-api-key/tinymce/7/tinymce.min.js' referrerpolicy='origin'></script>

      Replace your-api-key with your Tiny Cloud API key.

    • For Self-hosted TinyMCE deployments:

      <script src='/path/to/tinymce/base/directory/tinymce.min.js'></script>

      Replace /path/to/tinymce/base/directory with the relative path of the tinymce/ directory containing tinymce.min.js.

For information on TinyMCE deployment types, see: Installing TinyMCE.

Replace the Froala editor variable assignment with the tinymce.init function

To insert an editor in the body of the page for a <textarea> element such as:

<form method='post'>
  <textarea id='myeditor'>Enter your comment here!</textarea>
  1. Remove the Froala editor variable assignment script.

      const editor = new FroalaEditor('textarea#myeditor')
  2. Add a tinymce.init function.

      tinymce.init({ selector: '#myeditor' });

For information on configuring the selector setting, see: Basic Setup.

Examples: Basic Configuration

The following examples show an initial Froala configuration and the migrated TinyMCE configuration.

Froala 3 - A Basic Configuration

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset='utf-8'>
    <link href='/path/to/froala-editor/base/directory/css/froala_editor.pkgd.min.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
    <script type='text/javascript' src='/path/to/froala-editor/base/directory/js/froala_editor.pkgd.min.js'></script>
    <link href='/path/to/froala-editor/base/directory/css/froala_style.min.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
    <form method='post'>
      <textarea id='basic_froala'>Hello, World! I'm a froala editor!</textarea>
      const editor = new FroalaEditor('textarea#basic_froala')

TinyMCE 7 - A Basic Configuration

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset='utf-8'>
    <script src='https://cdn.tiny.cloud/1/my-api-key/tinymce/5/tinymce.min.js' referrerpolicy='origin'></script>
    <form method='post'>
      <textarea id='tiny_basic'>Hello, World! I'm a tiny editor!</textarea>
      tinymce.init({ selector: 'textarea#tiny_basic' });

Additional Information

For information on:

Updating the list of Plugins

Some Froala core functionality is implemented by plugins for TinyMCE; and some Froala plugin-provided functionality is TinyMCE core functionality.

For Example:

  • Froala includes ordered lists as part of the core functionality, but the lists plugin provides ordered lists for TinyMCE.

  • Adding a font size option in Froala requires a plugin, but fontsize is core functionality for TinyMCE.

To include a plugin for a TinyMCE editor, add a plugins option and provide a space-delimited list of the plugins to include, as shown below. You should delete any Froala sourcing scripts and Froala links from the page.

Examples: Enabling Plugins

The following examples show how plugins are included or enabled in the Froala and TinyMCE editors.

Froala 3 - Enabling Plugins

  <meta charset='utf-8'>
  <link href='/path/to/froala-editor/base/directory/css/froala_editor.pkgd.min.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
  <script type='text/javascript' src='/path/to/froala-editor/base/directory/js/froala_editor.pkgd.min.js'></script>
  <link href='/path/to/froala-editor/base/directory/css/froala_style.min.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
  <!-- Examples of Froala Plugin scripts -->
  <!-- Colors plugin -->
  <script type='text/javascript' src='/path/to/froala-editor/base/directory/js/plugins/colors.min.js'></script>
  <link href='/path/to/froala-editor/base/directory/css/plugins/colors.min.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
  <!-- Emoticons plugin -->
  <script type='text/javascript' src='/path/to/froala-editor/base/directory/js/plugins/emoticons.min.js'></script>
  <link href='../css/plugins/emoticons.min.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
  <!-- Font Family plugin -->
  <script type='text/javascript' src='/path/to/froala-editor/base/directory/js/plugins/font_family.min.js'></script>
  <!-- Font Size plugin -->
  <script type='text/javascript' src='/path/to/froala-editor/base/directory/js/plugins/font_size.min.js'></script>
  <!-- Help plugin -->
  <script type='text/javascript' src='/path/to/froala-editor/base/directory/js/plugins/help.min.js'></script>
  <link href='/path/to/froala-editor/base/directory/css/plugins/help.min.css ' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />

TinyMCE 7 - Enabling Plugins

    selector: '#tiny_editor',
    plugins: 'emoticons wordcount help code lists'

Additional Information on Plugins

Migrating a Custom Toolbar Layout

To migrate a Custom Toolbar Layout from Froala to TinyMCE:

  • Change the toolbarButtons option to toolbar.

  • Update the toolbar item listing.

  • Update the plugin option as required.

Change the toolbarButtons option to toolbar

Rename the Froala option toolbarButtons to toolbar.

Update the toolbar item listing

Froala and TinyMCE use different formats for listing toolbar items.

Froala accepts the list of toolbar buttons as a two-dimensional array of strings, with each array defining a group of toolbar items. For example:

toolbarButtons: [['undo', 'redo'], ['paragraphFormat'], ['bold', 'italic'],
['alignLeft', 'alignCenter', 'alignRight', 'alignJustify'],
['formatOL', 'formatUL'], ['indent', 'outdent']]

TinyMCE accepts a space-delimited string with horizontal bars (|) for grouping items. For example:

toolbar: 'undo redo | blocks | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | numlist bullist | outdent indent'

Replace the names of toolbar items with the TinyMCE names. For example:

Toolbar Button Froala TinyMCE

Format/Style Selector



Ordered list



Unordered list



Update the plugin option as required

The list of plugins may need updating, as indicated in Updating the list of Plugins. For example, the TinyMCE toolbar items; numlist and bullist, require the lists plugin.

For a list of toolbar items with the required plugins, see: Toolbar Buttons Available for TinyMCE.

Examples: Custom Toolbar Layouts

The following examples show a custom toolbar layout in Froala and the same layout migrated to TinyMCE.

Froala 3 - Creating a Custom Toolbar Layout

<h2>Froala Custom Toolbar</h2>
  <form method='post'>
    <textarea id=froala_custom_toolbar>Hello, World! I'm a froala editor!</textarea>
  const editor = new FroalaEditor('textarea#froala_custom_toolbar', {
    paragraphFormatSelection: true ,
    toolbarButtons: [['undo', 'redo'], ['paragraphFormat'], ['bold', 'italic'],
    ['alignLeft', 'alignCenter', 'alignRight', 'alignJustify'],
    ['formatOL', 'formatUL'], ['indent', 'outdent']]

TinyMCE 7 - Creating a Custom Toolbar Layout

<h2>TinyMCE Custom Toolbar</h2>
  <form method='post'>
    <textarea id='tiny_custom_toolbar'>Hello, World! I'm a tiny editor!</textarea>
    selector: '#tiny_custom_toolbar',
    plugins: 'lists',
    toolbar: 'undo redo | blocks | bold italic ' +
      '| alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify ' +
      '| numlist bullist | outdent indent',

Additional Information on Customizing Toolbars

Configuring Inline Mode

When migrating from Froala to TinyMCE, the toolbarInline option changes to inline. Some additional settings you should consider include:

Examples: Enabling Inline Mode

The following examples show Froala and TinyMCE configured for inline mode.

Froala 3 - Configuring Inline Mode

<h3>Froala Inline Mode</h3>
  <form method='post'>
    <div id=froala_custom_inline_toolbar>Hello, World! I'm a froala editor!</div>
  const editor = new FroalaEditor('div#froala_custom_inline_toolbar', {
    toolbarInline: true,
    charCounterCount: false

TinyMCE 7 - Configuring Inline Mode

<h3>TinyMCE Inline Mode</h3>
  <form method='post'>
    <div id='tiny_custom_inline_toolbar'>Hello, World! I'm a tiny editor!</div>
    selector: '#tiny_custom_inline_toolbar',
    inline: true

Additional Information for Inline Mode

For information on:

Migrating Custom Buttons

The TinyMCE addButton option is used in place of the Froala RegisterCommand option.

For information on getting started with the addButton option, see: Toolbar buttons.

Examples: Custom Toolbar Buttons

The following examples show a Froala editor and a TinyMCE editor with a basic configuration and two custom toolbar buttons.

Froala 3 - Creating a Custom Toolbar Button

<h2>Froala Custom Button</h2>
  <form method='post'>
    <textarea id=froala_custom_button>Hello, World! I'm a froala editor!</textarea>
  FroalaEditor.DefineIcon('mybutton1', {NAME: 'star', SVG_KEY: 'star'});
  FroalaEditor.RegisterCommand('mybutton1', {
    title: 'My Button',
    focus: true,
    undo: true,
    refreshAfterCallback: true,
    callback: function () {
      this.html.insert('&nbsp;<strong>It\'s my button!</strong>&nbsp;');

  FroalaEditor.RegisterCommand('My&#160;Button', {
    title: 'My Button',
    focus: true,
    undo: true,
    refreshAfterCallback: true,
    callback: function () {
      this.html.insert('&nbsp;<strong>It\'s my other button!</strong>&nbsp;');

  const editor = new FroalaEditor('textarea#froala_custom_button',{
    toolbarButtons: [['mybutton1'],['My&#160;Button']]

TinyMCE 7 - Creating a Custom Toolbar Button

<h2>TinyMCE Custom Button</h2>
  <form method='post'>
    <textarea id='tiny_custom_button'>Hello, World! I'm a tiny editor!</textarea>
    selector: '#tiny_custom_button',
    toolbar: 'myButton1 | myButton2',
    setup: (editor) => {
      editor.ui.registry.addButton('myButton1', {
        icon: 'user',
        onAction: (_) => {
          editor.insertContent('&nbsp;<strong>It\'s my icon button!</strong>&nbsp;');

      editor.ui.registry.addButton('myButton2', {
        text: 'My Button',
        onAction: (_) => {
          editor.insertContent('&nbsp;<strong>It\'s my text button!</strong>&nbsp;');

Additional Information on Custom Toolbar Buttons

  • For an overview on creating custom toolbar buttons, see: Toolbar buttons.

  • For information on the available types of toolbar buttons and examples of custom toolbar buttons, see: Types of toolbar buttons.

Migrating Custom Drop-down Toolbar Buttons

The TinyMCE addMenuButton option is used in place of the Froala RegisterCommand type: dropdown option.

For information on getting started with the addMenuButton option, see: Toolbar buttons and Types of toolbar buttons: Menu button.

Examples: Custom Drop-down Buttons

The following examples show a Froala editor and a TinyMCE editor with a basic configuration and a custom drop-down toolbar button.

Froala 3 - Creating a Custom Drop-down Button

<h2>Froala Custom Drop-down Button</h2>
  <form method='post'>
    <textarea id='froala_custom_button_menu'>Hello, World! I'm a froala editor!</textarea>
  const option_values = {
    'Opt1': '<strong>You clicked menu item 1!</strong>',
    'Opt2': '<em>You clicked menu item 2!</em>'
  FroalaEditor.DefineIcon('mybuttonmenu', {NAME: 'plus', SVG_KEY: 'add'});
  FroalaEditor.RegisterCommand('mybuttonmenu', {
    title: 'My Other Button Menu',
    type: 'dropdown',
    focus: false,
    undo: false,
    refreshAfterCallback: true,
    options: {
      'Opt1': 'Menu item 1',
      'Opt2': 'Menu item 2'
    callback: function (cmd, val) {
  const editor = new FroalaEditor('textarea#froala_custom_button_menu', {
    toolbarButtons: [['mybuttonmenu']]

TinyMCE 7 - Creating a Custom Drop-down Button

<h2>TinyMCE Custom Drop-down Button</h2>
  <form method='post'>
    <textarea id='tiny_custom_button_menu'>Hello, World! I'm a tiny editor!</textarea>
    selector: '#tiny_custom_button_menu',
    toolbar: 'my_button',
    setup: (editor) => {
      editor.ui.registry.addMenuButton('my_button', {
        text: 'My button menu',
        icon: 'gamma',
        fetch: (callback) => {
          const items = [
              type: 'menuitem',
              text: 'Menu item 1',
              onAction: () => {
                editor.insertContent('&nbsp;<strong>You clicked menu item 1!</strong>');
              type: 'menuitem',
              text: 'Menu item 2',
              icon: 'user',
              onAction: () => {
                editor.insertContent('&nbsp;<em>You clicked menu item 2!</em>');

Additional Information on Drop-down Buttons

For information on creating drop-down buttons, see: Types of toolbar buttons: Menu button.