Custom dialog body components

The body of a dialog must be either a panel (a single panel) or a tabpanel (a collection of panels). Each panel can contain panel components, which are either layout components or basic components such as inputs, buttons and text.


The basic dialog type is a panel dialog. A panel is a container for interactive panel components. A panel type dialog only has one panel.

  type: 'panel',
  items: [ ... ] // array of panel components


A tabpanel dialog contains multiple panels, and a tab navigation menu on the left-hand side of the dialog to allow for switching between panels. Each panel can contain different panel components, allowing for complex dialogs.

Each tab panel is defined using the following configuration options:

Name Type Requirement Description




A identifier for the tab. If not specified, the tab will be assigned a randomly generated name.




The title of the tab for the navigation menu.




An array of panel components to display inside the panel.

Panel components in different tabs with the same name will use the same value in the dialog’s data object. This allows for transference of data between tabs. For example, the charmap and emoticons plugin dialogs contain a search input field in each tab. By assigning the same name to all the search fields, user data entered on one tab will be transferred when the user changes tabs.
  type: 'tabpanel',
  tabs: [ // array of tab panel configurations
      name: 'mytab',
      title: 'My Tab',
      items: [ ... ] // array of panel components
    ... // more panel configurations

Dialog instance API methods

The dialog instance API contains the showTab("tabName") method, which allows for programmatic tab switching using the registered name of a tab.

Dialog configuration event callbacks

A dialog can be configured with an onTabChange callback. This function is called when the user changes tabs. It is passed the dialog instance API and a details object which contains newTabName and oldTabName.

As an example of when this is useful, the charmap and emoticons plugin dialogs use newTabName to change search results to match the character or emoticon category represented by the current tab.

Example: using the dialog API

Below is a trivial example of how to use onTabChange and showTab().

const dialogConfig = {
  title: 'Example Dialog',
  body: {
    type: 'tabpanel',
    tabs: [ ... ] // array of panel configurations
  buttons: [],
  onTabChange: (dialogApi, details) => {
    // log the contents of details

    // switch back to the old tab

Panel components

Panels can contain layout components and basic components, which include components for displaying information and user interaction and input.

Panel components in different tabs with the same name will use the same value in the dialog’s data object. This allows for transference of data between tabs. For example, the charmap and emoticons plugin dialogs contain a search input field in each tab. By assigning the same name to all the search fields, user data entered on one tab will be transferred when the user changes tabs.

Layout components

Some panel components can be used to apply a layout to an array of other panel components.


A bar is a layout component that creates a single row of items in the dialog body.

  type: 'bar', // component type
  items: [ ... ] // array of panel components


A collection is a layout component that creates a panel containing a collection of small buttons in the dialog body. For example, this component is used in the dialogs for the charmap and emoticons plugins.

  type: 'collection', // component type
  name: 'collection-1', // identifier
  label: 'Collection Label'

To populate the collection with collection items, specify an array of items in the dialog’s initialData property. To update the items in the collection, use the dialog API’s setData() method. Each item should contain a text, value, and icon property. For example:

    text: 'Bold',
    value: 'bold',
    icon: 'bold'
  ... // more item configurations


A grid is a layout component that creates columns in the dialog body.

  type: 'grid', // component type
  columns: 2, // number of columns
  items: [ ... ] // array of panel components


A label is a layout component that wraps other components and adds a label above the group of components.

  type: 'label', // component type
  label: 'Caption', // text for the group label
  for: 'findtext', // identifier of the dialog label component
  items: [ ... ] // array of panel components

Basic components

These panel components are used either to display information or to allow for user interaction and input.


An alertbanner is a coloured banner designed to notify users of important information. There are four "levels" of alert banner which each display in a different color. The levels are:

  • info

  • warn

  • error

  • success

Clicking the icon in the alert banner will fire the onAction function in the dialog’s configuration, and pass it an object containing the name of the alertbanner component and value. value is the value of the url option if it is configured, otherwise it is an empty string.

Name Type Requirement Description




The component type. Must be 'alertbanner'.




HTML text to display in the alertbanner.


'info', 'warn', 'error' or 'success'


The alertbanner’s level, which determines its styling.




Name of the icon to be displayed. Must correspond to an icon: in the icon pack, in a custom icon pack, or added using the addIcon API.




A URL that is passed to onAction when the icon button is clicked.

  type: 'alertbanner', // component type
  level: 'info',
  text: 'An <strong>informative</strong> message to the user',
  url: 'http://my.url',
  icon: 'question'


A button is a clickable component that can contain text or an icon. There are two types of buttons (primary and secondary buttons), though the only difference is that they are styled differently. Primary buttons are intended to stand out. The color will depend on the chosen skin.

Panel buttons are different to dialog footer buttons.

Events: Interacting with a button component will fire the onAction function in the dialog’s configuration, and pass it the button’s name in the details object. This allows developers to create a click handler for each button.

Name Type Requirement Description




The component type. Must be 'button'.




Text to display in the button if icon is not specified. Also used for the button’s title attribute.




A identifier for the button. If not specified, the button will be assigned a randomly generated name.




Name of the icon to be displayed. Must correspond to an icon: in the icon pack, in a custom icon pack, or added using the addIcon API. When configured, the button will display the icon instead of text.


'primary', 'secondary', or 'toolbar'


default: 'secondary' - Whether to style the button as a primary, secondary, or toolbar button.




default: false - Whether to style the button without a border and background color.

Buttons do not support mixing icons and text at the moment.
  type: 'button', // component type
  text: 'Alpha',
  buttonType: 'primary',
  name: 'alpha-button',
  enabled: false,
  borderless: false


A checkbox is a composite component with a checkbox and a label, and with on and off states.

Events: Interacting with a checkbox component will fire the onChange function in the dialog’s configuration.

  type: 'checkbox', // component type
  name: 'checkbox-1', // identifier
  label: 'Checkbox Label', // text for the label
  enabled: false // enabled state


A colorinput is a specialized composite component with a label, an input field and button which opens a color swatch popup on click. Users can either type a hex color code into the input, or use the color swatch to choose a color. The color swatch button will change color to reflect the selected color.

  type: 'colorinput', // component type
  name: 'colorinput', // identifier
  label: 'Color Label' // text for the label


A colorpicker component is an intuitive color picker tool similar to that found in modern image editors. It allows for a color to be chosen using a RGB colour slider, or for a color to be entered as either an RGB or hex color value.

  type: 'colorpicker', // component type
  name: 'colorpicker', // identifier


A dropzone is a composite component that catches drag and drops items or lets the user browse that can send a list of files for processing and receive the result. A text label is also rendered above the dropzone.

Events: Interacting with a dropzone component will fire the onChange function in the dialog’s configuration.

  type: 'dropzone', // component type
  name: 'dropzone', // identifier
  label: 'Dropzone' // text for the label


A htmlpanel component takes any valid HTML and renders it in the dialog.

Despite the name an HTMLpanel can not be used as a body component like panel and tabpanel.
  type: 'htmlpanel', // component type
  html: '<div>Html goes here</div>'


An iframe component takes an HTML document as a string and displays it in the dialog within an iframe.

To replace the entire dialog body with an iframe that loads its content from a URL, use a URL dialog.
Name Type Requirement Description




The component type. Must be 'iframe'.




A identifier for the button.




String to use for the iframe’s title attribute.




default: true - When true, sets the iframe’s sandbox attribute to "allow-scripts allow-same-origin".




default: true - When true, sets the iframe’s background to transparent instead of opaque. NOTE: This feature is only available for TinyMCE 6.1 and later.

  type: 'iframe', // component type
  name: 'iframe', // identifier
  label: 'Description of iframe', // text for the iframe's title attribute
  sandboxed: true,
  transparent: true

To set the iframe’s content on dialog open, specify document HTML as a string in the dialog’s initialData property. To update the iframe’s content, use the dialog API’s setData() method. For example:

  iframe: '<!DOCTYPE html>' +
          '<html>' +
          '<head></head>' +
          '<body><p>Content here.</p></body>' +


An imagepreview is a specialized component that allows for any image to be previewed and zoomed.

  type: 'imagepreview', // component type
  name: 'preview', // identifier
  height: '100px', // optional CSS height to constrain the image preview to

The dialog data for the imagepreview component consists of a URL and an optional zoom factor.

  url: '', // image URL
  zoom: 1.5 // optional zoom factor


An input is a composite component that renders a label and a single line text input field.

Events: Interacting with an input component will fire the onChange function in the dialog’s configuration as the user types.

Property Type Requirement Description




The component type. Must be 'input'.




A identifier for the input.




String to use for the input’s title attribute.




String of placeholder text for the input field.




Allows the field to be disabled. Default is true.




Allows for the specification of input type for displaying contextual onscreen keyboards on mobile devices.

  type: 'input', // component type
  name: 'inputA', // identifier
  inputMode: 'text',
  label: 'Input Label', // text for the label
  placeholder: 'example', // placeholder text for the input
  enabled: false, // disabled state
  maximized: false // grow width to take as much space as possible


inputMode is a property of input.

Use inputMode to set the type of onscreen keyboard provided on mobile devices when a user focuses the input element.

For a list of valid input modes, see: MDN Web Docs - inputmode.


A listbox is a composite component with a label and a dropdown list of options for users to select from. This component displays a menu-like dropdown and allows nested options to be shown to users.

Events: Interacting with a listbox component will fire the onChange function in the dialog’s configuration.

  type: 'listbox', // component type
  name: 'ListBoxA', // identifier
  label: 'ListBox Label',
  enabled: false, // enabled state
  items: [
    { text: 'One', value: 'one' },
    { text: 'Two', value: 'two' },
    { text: 'Submenu', items: [
      { text: 'Three', value: 'three' }


A selectbox is a composite component with a label and a single dropdown list of options for users to select from.

Events: Interacting with a selectbox component will fire the onChange function in the dialog’s configuration.

  type: 'selectbox', // component type
  name: 'SelectA', // identifier
  label: 'Select Label',
  enabled: false, // enabled state
  size: 1, // number of visible values (optional)
  items: [
    { value: 'one', text: 'One' },
    { value: 'two', text: 'Two' }


A sizeinput is a specialized composite component with two input fields labelled "Width" and "Height" and a "ratio lock" button. It should be used for setting dimensions on content elements.

Events: Interacting with the input fields of a sizeinput component will fire the onChange function in the dialog’s configuration when the user clicks away from the component.

  type: 'sizeinput', // component type
  name: 'size', // identifier
  label: 'Dimensions',
  enabled: false // enabled state


A slider is a specialized component with a label and a horizontal sliding bar. It can be used to allow users to select a value within a specified range.

Events: Interacting with the slider component will fire the onChange function in the dialog’s configuration when the user releases the slider thumb.

  type: 'slider', // component type
  name: 'vol', // identifier
  label: 'Volume',
  min: 0, // minimum value
  max: 100 // maximum value


A table is a layout component that renders a simple table.

  type: 'table', // component type
  header: [ 'Heading 1', 'Heading 2', 'Heading 3' ],
  cells: [
    [ 'Cell 1', 'Cell 2', 'Cell 3' ],
    [ 'Cell 4', 'Cell 5', 'Cell 6' ]


A textarea is a multiline text field.

Events: Interacting with a textbox component will fire the onChange function in the dialog’s configuration.

  type: 'textarea', // component type
  name: 'text-a', // identifier
  label: 'Text: ',
  placeholder: 'example',
  enabled: false, // enabled state
  maximized: false // grow width to take as much space as possible


A tree is a component used to present a tree-style hierarchy. For example a list of folders containing other folders and files.

A tree can include two different items:

  • a directory; and

  • a leaf.

A directory item can contain other directory items and leaf items.

As well, tree items can be set to fetch other TinyMCE menus.

Activating items in a tree

Activating a directory item toggles the item between two states: collapsed and expanded.

Activating a leaf item triggers the onLeafAction callback.

Items are activated by clicking, pressing or by using keyboard-navigation.

Tree navigation and activation using a keyboard

  • The up– or down–arrow-key highlights an item.

  • If the highlighted item is a directory, the left– or right–arrow-key collapses or expands a directory item

  • If the hightlighted item is a leaf, pressing Return triggers the onLeafAction callback.

onLeafAction: Interacting with a tree component executes the onLeafAction callback set in the dialog configuration.

  selector: "textarea",
  toolbar: "tree",
  setup: (ed) => {
    ed.ui.registry.addButton('tree', {
      text: 'Tree toolbar button',
      onAction: () => {{
          title: 'Tree dialog',
          buttons: [{
	    type: 'cancel',
	    text: 'Cancel'
          body : {
            type: 'panel',
            items: [{
              type: 'tree',
              onLeafAction: (id) => {
                console.log('clicked on item with id', id);
              items: [
                  type: 'directory',
                  id: 'dir',
                  title: 'Directory',
                  menu: {
                    icon: 'image-options',
                    type: 'menubutton',
                    fetch: (success) => success([
                          type: 'menuitem',
                          text: 'Menu item',
                          onAction: () => {
                            console.log('dir menu item');
                  children: [
                      type: 'leaf',
                      title: 'Leaf 3',
                      id: '3'
                      type: 'leaf',
                      title: 'Leaf 4',
                      id: '4',
                      menu: {
                        icon: 'image-options',
                        type: 'menubutton',
                        fetch: (success) => success([
                            type: 'menuitem',
                            text: 'Menu item',
                            onAction: () => {
                              console.log('leaf menu item'); // for demo purposes
                  type: 'leaf',
                  title: 'Leaf 5',
                  id: '5'
                  type: 'leaf',
                  title: 'Leaf 6',
                  id: '6'


A urlinput is a specialized composite component for URL input or file upload. It has a label, a text input field and an optional filepicker button. The urlinput component also includes a typeahead dropdown that will display previously-entered URLs that match the current input text and update as the user types.

The filepicker button will only appear if file_picker_callback is configured.

Events: Interacting with a selectbox component will fire the onChange function in the dialog’s configuration when the user clicks away from the component.

Name Type Requirement Description




The component type. Must be 'urlinput'.




An identifier for the urlinput.




String to use for the label.


'file' or

'image' or



Default value: 'file'.

Restrict the types of files that can be uploaded using the filepicker.

The default value — file — allows anything, including document links.

This option requires file_picker_callback to be configured.




default: true

Whether the component should initially be disabled.




Sets an alternative tooltip for the file picker button.

If picker_text is not specified, the tooltip defaults to the value provided by the label property.

This option requires file_picker_callback to be configured.

urlinput examples

urlinput for links

The filepicker will accept any file type; the typeahead will include 5 previously entered URLs plus all anchor targets and headings in the document; and the file picker button will have a custom tooltip.

  type: 'urlinput', // component type
  name: 'url', // identifier
  filetype: 'file', // allow any file types
  label: 'Url', // text for component label
  enabled: false, // enabled state
  picker_text: 'Find local files', // set a custom tooltip for the filepicker button

urlinput for image upload

The filepicker will only accept images and the typeahead will include 5 previously entered image URLs.

  type: 'urlinput', // component type
  name: 'src', // identifier
  filetype: 'image', // restrict file types to image types
  label: 'Source', // text for component label
  enabled: false // enabled state