Dropbox and Google Drive integration options

Configuring with Dropbox


This option is used to specify the Dropbox API key for integrating Dropbox into Tiny Drive. For information on how to generate a Dropbox API key, refer to the Dropbox integration guide.

Type: String

Example: using tinydrive_dropbox_app_key

  selector: 'textarea',  // change this value according to your HTML
  plugins: 'tinydrive',
  tinydrive_dropbox_app_key: '<your dropbox app key>'

Configuring with Google Drive


This option sets the Google Drive API key for integrating Google Drive into Tiny Drive. For information on how to generate this key, refer to the Google Drive integration guide.

Type: String

Example: using tinydrive_google_drive_key

  selector: 'textarea',  // change this value according to your HTML
  plugins: 'tinydrive',
  tinydrive_google_drive_key: '<your google drive api key>'


This option sets the Google Drive client ID for integrating Google Drive into Tiny Drive. For information on how to generate this ID, refer to the Google Drive integration guide.

Type: String

Example: using tinydrive_google_drive_client_id

  selector: 'textarea',  // change this value according to your HTML
  plugins: 'tinydrive',
  tinydrive_google_drive_client_id: '<your google drive client id>'