Premium upgrade promotion

Premium upgrade promotion option


TinyMCE 6.2 and later includes the promotion option. It controls the presentation or otherwise of a Tiny-specific promotion button.

Type: Boolean

Default value: true in Community self-hosted instances; otherwise false.

Possible values: true, false

Example: using promotion

  selector: "textarea",  // change this value according to your HTML
  promotion: true

The Upgrade promotion appears in the unused corner of the TinyMCE menu bar. Consequently it does not appear if the menu bar is disabled.

The distribution-specific defaults are not fixed. Someone running TinyMCE as part of a Premium plan can turn this option on. And someone running the Community distribution of TinyMCE as a self-hosted instance can turn this option off.

Premium upgrade promotion defaults

When the Community distribution of TinyMCE 6.2 is running as a self-hosted instance, an Upgrade promotion button appears in the unused corner of the editor menu bar by default. The button does not appear when Community distributions of TinyMCE are running on the Tiny Cloud.

This promotion button redirects to a promotion page, showcasing the benefits of the variety of Premium Plugins available for TinyMCE.

When TinyMCE 6.2 or later is running as part of a Premium plan, the Upgrade promotion button is disabled. And it is disabled when running with a Premium plan whether TinyMCE is running in the Tiny Cloud or as a self-hosted instance.

The TinyMCE Community distribution displays the promotion button when running as a self-hosted instance because the promotion option is set to true by default. To turn this button off in the Community distribution, set the promotion option to false.

  selector: "textarea",  // change this value according to your HTML
  promotion: false
It is not necessary to set promotion to false when TinyMCE is running as part of a Premium plan. Running TinyMCE as part of a Premium plan automatically disables the Upgrade promotion button.