Using the TinyMCE package with the Blazor framework

The Official TinyMCE Blazor component integrates TinyMCE into Blazor applications. This procedure creates a basic Blazor application and adds a TinyMCE editor using the TinyMCE Blazor integration. The basic Blazor application is based on the following tutorial: Microsoft .NET Blazor Tutorial - Build your first Blazor app.

Select from the following guides:

Using Visual Studio


This procedure requires:


  1. On the Visual Studio toolbar, click the New Project button.

  2. Select the Blazor Server App template.

  3. Use the NuGet package manager console to install the TinyMCE.Blazor package, such as:

    Install-Package TinyMCE.Blazor
  4. Use the NuGet package manager console to install the TinyMCE package, such as:

    Install-Package TinyMCE
  5. Verify the installation by checking the ItemGroup references in BlazorApp.csproj, such as:

    File: BlazorApp.csproj

      <PackageReference Include="TinyMCE.Blazor" Version="X.Y.Z" />
  6. Add the tinymce-blazor.js script to the main page.

    • Using Blazor Server add the script in Pages/_Host.cshtml, for example:

      <script src="_framework/blazor.server.js"></script>
      <script src="_content/TinyMCE.Blazor/tinymce-blazor.js"></script>
    • Using WASM add the script in wwwroot/index.html, for example:

      <script src="_content/TinyMCE.Blazor/tinymce-blazor.js"></script>
      <script src="_framework/blazor.webassembly.js"></script>
  7. Add the Editor component to a page by either:

    • Using the using directive

      @using TinyMCE.Blazor
      <Editor />
    • Using the full component and package name

      <TinyMCE.Blazor.Editor />

      For example:

      File: Pages/Index.razor

      @page "/"
      @using TinyMCE.Blazor
      <h1>Hello, world!</h1>
      Welcome to your new app.
      <Editor />
  8. To load TinyMCE from the self-hosted package instead of the Tiny Cloud, configure the ScriptSrc property:

  9. To test the application, run the application by pressing Ctrl+F5.

Using a command prompt or terminal


This procedure requires:


  1. Create a new Blazor project:

    dotnet new blazorserver -o BlazorApp --no-https
  2. Change into the new application directory:

    cd BlazorApp
  3. Install the TinyMCE Blazor integration:

    dotnet add package TinyMCE.Blazor
  4. Install the TinyMCE package, such as:

    dotnet add package TinyMCE
  5. Verify the installation by checking the ItemGroup references in BlazorApp.csproj, such as:

    File: BlazorApp.csproj

      <PackageReference Include="TinyMCE.Blazor" Version="X.Y.Z" />
  6. Add the tinymce-blazor.js script to the main page.

    • Using Blazor Server add the script in Pages/_Host.cshtml, for example:

      <script src="_framework/blazor.server.js"></script>
      <script src="_content/TinyMCE.Blazor/tinymce-blazor.js"></script>
    • Using WASM add the script in wwwroot/index.html, for example:

      <script src="_content/TinyMCE.Blazor/tinymce-blazor.js"></script>
      <script src="_framework/blazor.webassembly.js"></script>
  7. Add the Editor component to a page by either:

    • Using the using directive

      @using TinyMCE.Blazor
      <Editor />
    • Using the full component and package name

      <TinyMCE.Blazor.Editor />

      For example:

      File: Pages/Index.razor

      @page "/"
      @using TinyMCE.Blazor
      <h1>Hello, world!</h1>
      Welcome to your new app.
      <Editor />
  8. To load TinyMCE from the self-hosted package instead of the Tiny Cloud, configure the ScriptSrc property:

  9. Test the application using the .NET development server.

    • To start the development server, in the project’s root directory, run:

      dotnet watch run

      This will start a local development server, accessible at http://localhost:5000.

    • To stop the development server, select on the command line or command prompt and press Ctrl+C.

Next Steps

For information on customizing the integration, see: