Editor save and submit options

HTML forms options


The hidden_input option allows the auto-generation of hidden input fields to be disabled for inline editing elements. By default all inline editors have a hidden input element in which content gets saved when an editor.save() or tinymce.triggerSave() is executed.

The hidden_input option can be disabled if you don’t need these controls.

Type: Boolean

Default value: true

Possible values: true, false

Example: using hidden_input

  selector: 'div',  // change this value according to your HTML
  inline: true,
  hidden_input: false

Adding save functionality to the editor

TinyMCE can be configured to allow users to save the editor content. For information on configuring the user saving, see: The Save plugin.

Autosaving the editor content

TinyMCE can be configured to automatically save the editor content. For information on configuring the automatic saving, see: The Autosave plugin.