TinyMCE for Swing integration

Users can easily configure the TinyMCE editor in Swing through the TinyMCE for Swing integration.

Getting the TinyMCE for Swing integration

To start using TinyMCE for Swing as your new rich text editor, the first step is to obtain a copy of the Integration.

Contact Tiny Support to discuss how to get started with our latest release.

Get started with our TinyMCE in Swing integration

To include our TinyMCE in Swing integration in your Java project just follow the steps below:

1. Copy TinyMCE in Swing libraries

From the release zip file, select all the Java libraries under the lib folder and import them into your project. This libraries contain everything needed to run our integration.

2. Select a deployment and create a configuration

The Swing integration allows the user to select the origin of the TinyMCE code: embedded (recommended), cloud, or external.

  • Embedded deployments use the version of TinyMCE prepackaged with the current release of the integration. This is guaranteed to be compatible with the integration specific plugins.

    final Config myTinyConfiguration = Config.embedded();
  • Cloud deployments pull TinyMCE from the Tiny Cloud. Use this option by passing your API key and specifying the Tiny Cloud version.

    final Config myTinyConfiguration = Config.cloud("<my_api_key>", "5-stable");
  • External deployments allow to use a local version of TinyMCE by giving the address of the location where TinyMCE is being served.

    final Config myTinyConfiguration = Config.external("http://<my_server>/<path>/tinymce.min.js");

The configuration can be customized purely in Java:

final Path contentPath = Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.home"));
final Config myConfig = Config.embedded()
      "advcode advlist autolink lists link image imagetools charmap emoticons " +
      "anchor searchreplace insertdatetime media table powerpaste help wordcount")
    .putProperty("width", 800)
    .putProperty("height", 600)
    .putProperty("menubar", false)
      "undo redo | formatselect | bold italic backcolor | " +
      "alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | " +
      "bullist numlist outdent indent | removeformat | link image | help")
    .putProperty("images_reuse_filename", true);

Or by passing Javascript that returns a TinyMCE configuration object.


(function() {
  return {
    width: 800,
    height: 600,
    plugins: [
      'advcode advlist autolink lists link image imagetools charmap emoticons',
      'anchor searchreplace insertdatetime media table powerpaste help wordcount'
    menubar: false,
    toolbar: [
      'undo redo | formatselect | bold italic backcolor | alignleft aligncenter ',
      'alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | removeformat | ',
      'link image | help'
    images_reuse_filename: true

Snippet of Edit.java:

final Path contentPath = Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.home"));
final Config myConfig = Config.embedded()
    .setInitConf(Edit.class, "config.js"); // load config.js using class loader

3. Create the editor and add it to your view

Create the editor by passing a configuration object. The editor initialization is asynchronous so starting a new editor will return a future value that can be accessed as a normal future value.

final Config myConfig = Config.embedded();
final TinyMCE editor = TinyMCE.futureEditor(myConfig).get();
editor.setHtml("<p>Hello World!</p>");
final JPanel holder = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
holder.add(editor.component(), BorderLayout.CENTER);

Once the editor has been extracted from the future value you can use its component (JComponent) to position it in your view.

For more examples check the GitHub repository.

Explore other resources

  • GitHub repository - Refer to this link for examples on how to use TinyMCE for Swing.

  • An additional set of documentation is shipped with the integration in a zip file containing a library of Javadocs and API reference guides which help in understanding and applying the concepts. The zip file includes the following documents:

    • readme.txt - This file has general information about TinyMCE for Swing integration.

    • license.txt - This file has all the license details about TinyMCE for Swing as a commercial software.

    • release-notes.txt - This file has information about the integrations and enhancements that have been implemented in TinyMCE for Swing integration.

    • change-log.md - This file lists all user impacting and major changes for every release of TinyMCE for Swing integration.

    • jar files - The jar files that implement the integration can be found under lib/

    • javadoc - The javadoc can be found at docs/javadoc/index.html.