Help plugin

The help plugin adds a button and/or menu item that opens a dialog showing two tabs:

  • Handy shortcuts that explain some nice-to-know keyboard shortcuts

  • Plugin list that shows which plugins that have been installed, with links to the relevant documentation pages if available, and a list of available premium plugins.

In the footer of the dialog you can also see which version of TinyMCE you are using.

The help dialog can also be shown by pressing the keyboard shortcut Alt + 0.

Basic setup

  selector: 'textarea',  // change this value according to your HTML
  plugins: 'help',
  toolbar: 'help'

Config Options


This option allows you to specify which tabs the Help dialog should show, and in what order. The default TinyMCE tabs are called shortcuts, keyboardnav, plugins and versions. These tabs can be overwritten by providing a new tab panel specification with the same name, and new tabs can be added by registering a tab panel with a new name. New tabs can be registered in the help_tabs configuration or at initialization or runtime using the addTab API method.

If help_tabs is configured, only tabs named in help_tabs will be displayed. Any tabs defined using addTab that are not named in help_tabs will be ignored.

If help_tabs is not configured, any tabs defined using addTab will be displayed after the default tabs.

Type: Array

Default Value: ['shortcuts', 'keyboardnav', 'plugins', 'versions']

Example: Using help_tabs

  selector: 'textarea',
  plugins: 'help link table paste code emoticons',
  toolbar: 'help addTab',
  help_tabs: [
    'shortcuts', // the default shortcuts tab
    'keyboardnav', // the default keyboard navigation tab
    'plugins', // the default plugins tab
      name: 'custom1', // new tab called custom1
      title: 'Custom Tab 1',
      items: [
          type: 'htmlpanel',
          html: '<p>This is a custom tab</p>',
      name: 'versions', // override the default versions tab
      title: 'Custom Versions',
      items: [
          type: 'htmlpanel',
          html: 'This is a custom versions panel.'
    'custom2', // new tab custom2 as defined on init in setup() below
    'custom3' // new tab custom3 as defined on button click in setup() below
  setup: function(editor) {
    // on editor init, add a tab called custom2
    editor.on('init', function() {{
        name: 'custom2',
        title: 'Custom Tab 2',
        items: [
            type: 'htmlpanel',
            html: '<p>This is another custom tab</p>',

    // add a toolbar button that when clicked adds a tab called custom3
    editor.ui.registry.addButton('addTab', {
      text: 'Add tab',
      onAction: function() {{
          name: 'custom3',
          title: 'Custom Tab 3',
          items: [
              type: 'htmlpanel',
              html: '<p>This is yet another custom tab</p>',


Name Arguments Description


tabSpec: TabPanel

Register a tab for the Help dialog

Example: Using the addTab API{
  name: 'custom',
  title: 'My Custom Tab',
  items: [
      type: 'htmlpanel',
      html: '<p>This is a custom tab</p>',

Exposing metadata for the help plugin

For information on how to expose metadata from you custom plugin to add it to the Installed plugins list in the Help plugin, see the Creating a Plugin page.