
TinyMCE theme pseudo class. Allows for a custom theme to be used with TinyMCE when registered using the ThemeManager.

This is a pseudo class that describes how to create a custom theme for TinyMCE.

See AddOnManager for more information about the methods available on the ThemeManager instance.

Warning: Much of TinyMCE’s functionality is provided by the default Silver theme. Creating a custom theme may require the re-implementation of this functionality. To change TinyMCE’s appearance, Tiny recommends changing the Skin instead.


tinymce.ThemeManager.add('MyTheme', function(editor) {
    // Setup up custom UI elements in the dom
    var div = document.createElement('div');
    var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');

    // Themes should fire the SkinLoaded event once the UI has been created and all StyleSheets have been loaded.
    editor.on('init', function() {

    // Themes must return a renderUI function that returns the editorContainer. If the editor is not running in inline mode, an iframeContainer should also be returned.
    var renderUI = function() {
        return {
            editorContainer: div,
            iframeContainer: iframe

    // Return the renderUI function
    return {
        renderUI: renderUI