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Your On-premise
or Cloud-based rich text editor

Different requirements need
different deployments

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Using these side-by-side comparisons, you’ll understand the pros and cons of setup, support and ongoing maintenance/upgrades.

It’ll help you identify the best way to deploy your WYSIWYG HTML editor, what works best with your current developer resources, and which one scales most easily as you grow.

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Where to use your rich
text editor

Tiny Cloud or your own server

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Your deployment method has a direct effect on the way the rich text editor performs, its ongoing costs and the amount of control you retain. Generally, the decision becomes a choice between whether your company’s chasing agile growth, or greater control.

Cloud-hosted deployment of rich text editors

Is easy to set up, just add the config code to your app. Our APIs do the rest – and the bulk of the code lives on our server. We provide updates automatically and it’s accessible anywhere, anytime.

If needed, extra resources can be added in seconds, and scaling up is fast – as and when your growth happens.

Self-hosted deployment of rich text editors

Application code either lives on business premises, or within a remote server of your choosing. Set up requires an initial installation phase, followed by testing, and then moving the app to production for use.

You have 100% control of when and what’s deployed, updates, maintenance and extensibility as well as security risks.


Cloud-hosted deployment
  • Scaling up is fast – in seconds
  • Add extra resources when growth happens
  • Automatically scales without engineering effort
Self-hosted deployment
  • Scalability can be more difficult
  • Complexities and long lead-times often arise
  • Difficult to rapidly expand a server at short notice
  • Development team is responsible for ensuring scale

Internet connection

Cloud-hosted deployment

Can cause difficulties if you need the application to be available offline

Self-hosted deployment

Is a good choice if you require the application to be available offline


Cloud-hosted deployment
  • Security managed ongoing, using industry best practices
  • While rare, security updates to TinyMCE are published immediately to the Cloud
  • Premium cloud services use JWT authentication tokens to ensure content security remains within your control
Self-hosted deployment
  • Gives more direct control, especially for regulated industries or government bodies
  • Software can be installed behind a firewall, so it’s only accessible by your staff
  • Development team is responsible for monitoring security issues, updates and applying them as needed


Cloud-hosted deployment
  • Automatically takes care of the maintenance for you
  • Automatically updates your project and adds new features
  • No need for your dev team to spend time maintaining a server
Self-hosted deployment
  • Does not automatically update, it’s totally your responsibility
  • Features must be added by your dev team
  • Dev team needs to have time available to maintain and extend a server

Server size

Cloud-hosted deployment
  • Hosting space is affected by the number of libraries and binaries, scope of dependencies, lines of code and visual assets
  • Large projects can need more hosting space, but it’s easily and economically available
Self-hosted deployment
  • Scope your project size where you’re employing a rich text editor – including the number of libraries and binaries, scope of dependencies, lines of code and visual assets
  • Large projects require a bigger size server and more cost to both host and maintain


Cloud-hosted deployment

A more cost-effective solution due to minimal maintenance, and lower development costs

Self-hosted deployment

The least cost-effective solution due to ongoing maintenance, server and developer costs

Ready to use TinyMCE for
your project?

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Looking for projects that
TinyMCE can be used for?

Access use-case specific starter configs
to kickstart your rich text editing project
Content Management Systems (CMS) ->Email & Messaging Platforms ->Document Management Systems (DMS) ->Customer Relationship Management (CRM) ->Workflow & Collaboration Platforms ->Learning Management Systems (LMS) ->Internal & SaaS Applications ->

Explore how TinyMCE helps

"TinyMCE satisfied our needs at a competitive cost, and we were able to integrate it without restructuring our product."

Chris Burd|Vice President, policyIQ

"TinyMCE should be at the top of any list if you’re looking for a visual text editor. It’s flexible, integrates well with different systems and is extremely stable."

Rob Wells|CEO & Founder, DDSN Interactive

"In that move towards web-based editing, one of the most critical components was our editor, but to reinvent the wheel and build one seemed like a waste of resources. We found that the market had quite a few offerings, but TinyMCE was the best in terms of flexibility, integration, and support for the capabilities that we were looking at."

Paul Alexandrescu|Technical Director, Thomson Reuters

Need more insights on customizing your rich text editor?

Cloud-based vs self-hosted: what rich text editor solution works best?


Cloud-based vs self-hosted: what rich text editor solution works best?

How to self-host TinyMCE for your website or application


How to self-host TinyMCE for your website or application

How to self-host TinyMCE for your website or application


How to self-host TinyMCE for your website or application

Get started with premium plugins on TinyMCE self-hosted


Get started with premium plugins on TinyMCE self-hosted




El Roboto


El Roboto

How to get your Tiny Cloud API key set up in 5 minutes


How to get your Tiny Cloud API key set up in 5 minutes

3 tips to improve TinyMCE performance in the cloud


3 tips to improve TinyMCE performance in the cloud

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