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Angular vs React vs Vue: What’s popular in 2023?

April 26th, 2023

8 min read

Angular vs React vs Vue trends for each of the two frameworks and a library represented as symbols

Written by

Ben Long


Developer Insights

If you’re a new developer or you’re looking to add some new skills and frameworks into the mix in 2023, what should you focus on?

First, you want a tech stack that’ll help you add to your skills this year, and for years to come. While some frameworks are becoming less and less seen in production – borderline obsolete – so they aren’t the ones you’d want to start learning. 

That’s what you’ll find in this article. It focuses on the top JavaScript front end frameworks, by contrasting Angular vs React vs Vue. It explores some stats comparing the three frameworks, so you can figure out what’s likely to be trending in a year or so, and which one you should start learning.

JavaScript framework popularity

State of JavaScript survey 2022 framework results


At a glance, when comparing the overall popularity of the JavaScript frameworks, it shows React and Vue receiving the most attention – beyond Angular and other frameworks. 

In 2022, results of the State of JavaScript survey shows the Svelte framework was the most interesting to developers, while React remains not far behind the Svelte framework when looking at results from 2022.

What is the most used JavaScript Framework?

Looking closely at the reported trends, the most used framework (between Angular vs React vs Vue) is React. This is supported by results over time from surveys of developer communities:

Most wanted




2022 State of JavaScript – Would use 




2022 Stack Overflow – Most wanted




Key reasons why this is the case:

  1. Consistently high usage and satisfaction
  2. Good job opportunities for React
  3. Well written and easy to follow documentation
  4. A large array of useful libraries and integrations
  5. A strong community of developers answering questions and solving problems together

That said, while React seems like the top choice and Vue is increasing in popularity, they might not be right for you. For instance, Angular is still better for large, heavyweight UI applications, even though it’s declining in popularity. The following sections delve into some more details about using each framework, as well as information on job opportunities.

NOTE: Each framework offers different benefits and applications, so consider what types of projects you see yourself working on and go with the best JavaScript framework that fits your needs.


React trends:

In 2016, about half the developers surveyed said they’d used React before and generally people were very positive. By 2019, the majority of respondents had used it, and it retained those strongly positive opinions. Only a very small percentage weren’t interested in it (Source: State of JavaScript). 

Meanwhile, Stack Overflow’s developer survey declared React as the most loved and wanted web framework in 2019.

In 2022, the results from the State of JavaScript survey showed a positive result, with 67.9% of the developers surveyed would reuse React in their projects. Compared to 2016 results, the positive regard for the framework had increased, which is a good sign of growth.

React job opportunities:

In the United States, “React js” returns 40,401 job search results on LinkedIn and 2,501 on Indeed (11th February 2020). Compared to job search results in 2023 (April 21st, 2023), “React js” returns 47,793 results on LinkedIn, and 2605 on Indeed. That’s a small increase in positions being advertised for React js  and another sign of growth for the React JavaScript framework.


Vue trends: 

Vue 3 is the current, supported version of Vue (The older Vue 2.7 arrives at end of life on December 31st, 2023). In 2016, the majority of developers in the State of JavaScript survey held slightly positive opinions about Vue, but it wasn’t widely used or adopted. 

But by 2019, this figure shifted to show that almost 50% of survey respondents had used Vue and most felt very positive about it (Source: State of JavaScript). This was confirmed by Stack Overflow’s developer survey, which declared Vue.js as the second most loved and wanted web framework in 2019 (after React).

In 2022, The State of JavaScript survey showed a decline in interest:

  • Compared to 2019, in 2022, willingness to use Vue again dropped from 40.5% to 35.5%
  • The number of surveyed developers who were not interested in Vue increased from 19% in 2019 to 26.4% in 2023.

The Stack Overflow developer survey results of 2022 showed that among web frameworks, Vue had dropped to the third ‘most loved and wanted’ web framework after React and Node. Vue’s prospects have clearly fallen somewhat in the past few years. 

Based on those survey results, it’s not a strong candidate for learning to add to your skills.

Vue job opportunities:

In the United States, “Vue” returns 7,110 job search results on LinkedIn and 3,814 on Indeed (11th February 2020). Compared to April, 2023, there were 11,985 results on LinkedIn for the United States, and 729 jobs on Indeed. 


Angular trends:

In 2016, most of the developers in  hadn’t used Angular, but generally opinions were positive. But by 2019, most had used the framework but the majority had strongly negative feelings about it. Most recently, 35.8% of surveyed developers had used Angular and would not use it again, compared to 21.9% who had used it and would use it again (Source: State of JavaScript).

In 2022, opinions on Angular have remained consistent with previous years’ results. 

Those who had used it and would again were recorded as making up 20.8% of those surveyed. The number of developers not interested in Angular showed an increase,  with 32.4% not interested in 2019 as compared to 40.5% in 2022. 

Much like Vue, interest and willingness to work with Angular appears to have softened.

Angular job opportunities:

In the United States, “Angular js” returns 33,614 job search results on LinkedIn and 6,304 on Indeed (11th February 2020). Compared to job search results from April 21st, 2023, there are 80,971 results for jobs involving Angular js advertised on LinkedIn, and 1,086 jobs on Indeed.

Angular vs React vs Vue compared





Known for

Despite a relatively steep learning curve, it’s one of the most widely used and mature, with a solid backing of contributors. 

Based on TypeScript, Angular is considered a heavyweight framework and is used for both mobile and desktop.

React is known for being efficient and flexible, with backward compatibility, seamless integration with other frameworks, and a significant number of contributions from the community.

Driven completely by the Vue open source community,it’s considered progressive, simple, flexible, and lightweight, with total backwards compatibility.

Development and release

Developed by Google and released in 2010

Created by Facebook in 2013

Created by an ex-Googler in 2014


MIT License

MIT License

MIT License

Popularity (Stack Overflow 2022 Wanted)




Learning curve




Library vs Framework




Ease of Migration

Moderate challenge, LeanIX migration example

Moderate challenge, Handshake migration example

Lighter challenge, Snipcart migration example


Angular vs React vs Vue: which is easier to learn

React (in comparison to Vue) has a steeper learning curve. Angular makes use of TypeScript, which also adds to the time required to completely understand how it works.

Angular is also more difficult to learn compared to React, largely because React is a library, and not a complete solution. In comparison, Vue is easier to learn, ahead of React and Angular, with React offering an easier learning curve compared to React.

Compared to Angular and Vue, React lies between the two, presenting a moderate learning curve. While Vue is easier to learn, the wider opportunities available with React shows it’s a framework worth looking at.

What is the best Javascript framework for frontend?

Looking closely at the most recent results from the State of JavaScript 2022 survey, a new framework has appeared that exceeds React and Svelte –  having a higher retention, interest, use, and awareness rating. Solid js, is designed for building user interfaces

However, weighing in with other signs of adoption – such as GitHub Stars and different, enterprise companies making use of the framework – it shows that React is regarded as the best frontend framework (according to Monocubed’s summary for 2022).

Angular vs React vs Vue: keep evolving and learning

The exciting thing about JavaScript is that it’s always evolving – so there are always new opportunities to broaden your skills and try new things. And the frameworks are evolving too, so even if you’re comfortable with a framework, go back through the knowledge bases and guides and continue to learn – so you can evolve with them.

It’s highly likely that the best JavaScript frameworks could shift dramatically over the coming years. 

Svelte is one to watch – despite being a relative newcomer, it’s fast gathering  interest and satisfaction. It’s also worth keeping an eye on others like Ember and Backbone, which are less popular at the moment but could still be the right fit for certain projects.

Javascript frameworks + TinyMCE

Looking at our TinyMCE integration npm package downloads for React, Angular, and Vue, React is our most popular internally maintained integration. This seems pretty consistent with the trends and stats outlined in the preceding paragraphs.

By the way, if you're looking to enhance the user experience of your apps with the power and flexibility of a WYSIWYG rich text editor, check out these integration guides:

You’ll be happy to know that TinyMCE has integrations available with several other popular frameworks as well 🙌 To get started, sign up for your free API Key for Tiny Cloud.

Want to share your thoughts on JavaScript frameworks and TinyMCE? Check on the TinyMCE Roadmap to get involved.

byBen Long

Computer scientist, storyteller, teacher, and an advocate of TinyMCE. Reminisces about programming on the MicroBee. Writes picture books for kids. Also the wearer of rad shoes. “Science isn’t finished until you share the story.”

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