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Multi-Root Editing

Create fully-templated documents, inside one TinyMCE editor

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An abstract illustration of Multi-Root Editing

Eliminate the need to preview

Load your entire document’s HTML into the editor, giving your users an exact 1:1 representation of their edits and what’s being published. The best part – you have full control over which sections they can and can’t edit.

Illustration showing how Multi-Root Editing works

Effortless editing, simplified workflow

No more juggling multiple rich text editors for each section of content. In just one window, users click directly on the section they want to edit – mirroring their favorite creativity and productivity apps.

Publish with confidence

With the entire document loaded into one TinyMCE editor, users no longer have to tediously preview everything separately before saving. Content inside the editor is rendered the same way it’s rendered outside the editor, so your users know their final content is pixel-perfect, every time.

An illustration of Publish with confidence

Full structural control

Take charge of your content's structure. You specify which parts of your content are editable by users and which parts are locked down, giving you the ability to keep structure, branded content, and look and feel consistent across the board.

An illustration of a Full structural control

"For us to build and maintain our current editor with the functionality our users were asking for, it would have taken up half of one of our developers’ time. That’s at least $40K per year.”"

Simon Steele|Chief Executive Officer and Co-founder

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