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5 ways to level up your CMS capabilities

Published June 6th, 2022

Time never expands or returns if you waste it. So, make the most of what you have, and find ways to improve. Look at high level systems (like your CMS) instead of the low-level details, to improve your efficiency, productivity and profitability.

Di Mace

Communications Specialist at Tiny

Improving your efficiency generally means doing more with less – be that less friction, materials, people or roadblocks. Take, for example, the area of content management. A content management system (CMS) that produces greater productivity from its users and manages your content better, can help make your entire business work more efficiently.

But most businesses neglect to review their tools, to check they’re still working for the goals set or whether they’ve sufficiently scaled to match the expansion of their capabilities.

Why content management is important

Your CMS is the cornerstone of your digital marketing strategy.

An effective content management system is important, because it helps you track, organize, and update all your content – all of which helps you deliver your digital strategy. But if your CMS isn’t meeting all your needs and people find it cumbersome to use, there are alternate solutions to replacing the entire system. Instead of replacing your CMS, upgrade the rich text editor to level up your CMS capabilities.

Over 100M+ products worldwide entrust their advanced rich text editing tasks to TinyMCE, because it empowers teams to create relevant, engaging cross-channel content and digital experiences for customers.

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CMS essentials

Content often exists at the core of your business operations. Because everyone, in every way, in every department, relies on some form of content to do their job. Therefore, your content needs to be:

  • Easy to find
  • Easy to create
  • Easy to read
  • Easy to collaborate

An efficient CMS enables non-technically minded people to create pages, edit pages and modify content themselves, without the help of a web developer or knowledge of code.

Let’s explore five ways that embedding an advanced rich text editor (likeTinyMCE) can upgrade your CMS capabilities, save time on daily authoring and editing tasks as well as keep you up to date with changing CMS trends (that aren’t slowing down).

content needs to be

  • Easy to find
  • Easy to create
  • Easy to read
  • Easy to collaborate

Leveling up CMS capabilities: 5 possible ways

Clean up your copy-paste results

Most WYSIWYG editors bring in extra formatting that doesn’t work with your editor – fonts, images and formatting goes missing – when you copy-paste from a source doc.

With the advanced features in our PowerPaste plugin, you’ll enjoy a clean copy/paste experience from MS Word, Excel, Google Docs, and other popular tools, so your users can spend more time finding and making great content and less time cleaning it up or asking your developer to fix it.

Remove spell checking woes on multilingual projects

A built-in spell checker is a must-have, and Tiny’s advanced Spell Checker Pro feature automatically activates when a user types in the editor.

It cuts down publishing errors and can simultaneously spell check 13+ languages (plus medical terms). Better still, it lets you build a custom dictionary of words (including your company’s name) that’s globally accessible across your organization.

Make your content accessible to everyone

Accessibility is becoming a legal requirement, not a nice to have, and you can’t risk your product, or team, being unprepared.

Help your team efficiently collaborate

Do your editors, copywriters, designers, content managers, and programmers simultaneously work on your marketing projects or campaigns?

A CMS that’s powered by our advanced editor’s features can reduce content creation time by up to 90% and helps teams create seamless workflows. Over a year, you could save thousands of hours!

Give your devs access to clean code markup

Want to easily switch from the WYSIWYG interface to the source code? Not all HTML editors let you, but our Advanced Code Editor feature brings an IDE-like HTML editor to TinyMCE, making it easy to modify the HTML underneath your WYSIWYG content.

It allows your developers, or those with coding knowledge, to jump straight in and edit the code (when necessary) or when your content creators want to embed something that's a little more custom.

See TinyMCE in action

Check out our interactive product demos and discover all the features packed into TinyMCE.

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Tools that level up your CMS capabilities

TinyMCE is the world’s most popular, open source content authoring toolbox that makes it simple for writers, creators and bloggers to create, update and publish content. It does all the heavy lifting in the background of your editing UI and carries features that transform your user's experience from average to brilliant.

Best of all, your developers don’t need to do much. It’s all built in!

READ our CMS Guide

Take the guesswork out of finding the right rich text editor for your current and future needs with our curated guide on The Six Problems Faced by Modern CMSs

Read more

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