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The Content Authoring Tool Box That Developers Trust and Content Creators Love

Turns large time-consuming projects into easy manageable tasks. Downloaded 350M+ times every year!

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Market Comparison of PowerPaste Feature


Market Comparison of Spell Checker Pro Feature


Tiny’s tools are embedded in applications you use every day – from LinkedIn to Visa


Companies' content creation, collaboration and documentation processes change when TinyMCE is integrated in their workflows.


"Our user engagement numbers are up, our average customer value is up, and our churn rate is down compared to before we started using TinyMCE."

~ Geoff McQueen, CEO, Accelo


"We really wanted something supported by a community of millions, where we knew everything had been tried, tested and validated."

~ Justin Witz, CTO and Co-Founder, Catapult


"Without Tiny, we would have had to put somebody full time on building a tool like that, which could easily have cost $100,000 a year, not to mention the ongoing costs of maintaining an expensive tool."

~ Chris Creery, Senior Software Architect, TalentMap


"In our field, it’s expected that you have a nice editor. Using TinyMCE saved us half a year or even more of development time. And in the end, I'm not sure if we would have even had the knowledge to be able to build such an editor by ourselves."

~ Bastian Bickelhaupt, CTO and Co-Founder, Contentbird


“TinyMCE is one of those “cornerstone” products on the web.”

~ Patrick Coombe, CEO, Elite Strategies LLC

For 20+ years we’ve been one of the most trusted and downloaded platforms on the internet

With continual R&D investment, upgrades, feature improvements and innovative new plugins, our WYSIWYG editor keeps reinventing and resetting the global standard for rich text editors.

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