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Moodle Certified Integration

Moodle + TinyMCE

Get advanced features to create high-impact course content?
Discover Premium features

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19+ premium editing features to supercharge Moodle

Six most popular features

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Clean copy-and-paste = less support tickets

  • Cleanly copy-pastes content from Word, Excel and Google Docs
  • Has helped dev teams decrease support tickets by 40%
  • Automatically cleans up rogue formatting in pasted content
  • Option to strip or preserve advanced formatting
  • Underlying HTML code doesn't break
  • 99.9% accuracy rate

Explore PowerPaste →

Boost the default editor in your Moodle LMS or
Moodle Workplace with a Premium subscription

How it works

With this significant Moodle Certified Integration, TinyMCE now seamlessly equips your educators with Premium features, for next level course creation.

From Moodle version 4.1 onwards, Moodle replaced Atto, the default editor, with open source TinyMCE. In 2023, TinyMCE became a Moodle Certified Integration Partner, and with the release of Moodle version 4.3, on October 9, an easy way to activate TinyMCE Premium features is also being introduced.

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Step 1

Purchase a Premium TinyMCE Plan

Buy a Premium package of features for more efficient content editing and accessibility compliance.

Step 2

Add your API key in Moodle

The Moodle team is developing an easy way to add your API key in Moodle, to activate TinyMCE Premium features. Its release coincides with Moodle version 4.3. October 9, 2023.

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Get more functionality

Indispensable features like 99.9% accurate copy-paste, WCAG accessibility checking, multi-language auto-spell checking and SEO-Friendly HTML outputs simplify the process of website and content creation.

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Get more productivity

See dramatic changes in your content creation workflows and increases in productivity, engagement and outputs, with closer collaboration, less support tickets, and faster product launch or publishing cycles

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Get more support

There's 24/7 online support, phone support, SLAs, full CSS control, and a commercial license plus guaranteed uptime and even more customizations available.

Over 100M+ products worldwide grow
their business by using TinyMCE

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Premium subscription benefits?

No problem, just schedule a demo call with us

Here's one powerful reason
to upgrade to Premium

PowerPaste is 99.9% accurate = less support tickets

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