Digital transformation is driving big change
Agile thinking (and working) is forcing a rethink on ways to speed a company’s software development output, so they can focus on their core business capabilities and market opportunities. Reusable tech stacks offer an answer.
This white paper focuses on the rich text editor segment, through the lens of the earliest question that arises in almost every development project, no matter the size:
“Do we buy, or do we build?”

Increase software development output
Neither company budgets, nor developer resources, are elastic and it’s impossible to match the ‘bleeding edge’ technology changes across every digital realm. So, what’s the answer?
Flexible tech stacks
Assembling a reusable tech stack maximizes the horsepower behind third-party specialization, empowers and focuses developer expertise and delivers the nimbleness to move beyond both productivity and launch obstacles. But, what parts do you buy, and what should you build?

Building block approach
By using a building block approach that combines buying, subscribing or renting, with inhouse building, you can iteratively reshape your software stack, time and time again. So, how do API-first components help you build your stack?
What happens when you try to build your own rich text editor?

It’s one of the highest-risk areas for both cost and development time overruns.

Feature and system complexities are notoriously underestimated.

Building a maintainable rich text editor is beyond what most developers initially consider.

Iterative bugs and rapid evolutions and adaptations demand constant attention.
Leveraging developer velocity
Failing to deploy the best talent, on the right project, is repeatedly becoming the biggest threat to a company’s digital transformation and market success. Even bigger than access to capital.

Total cost of ownership blowouts
A single, advanced rich text editor feature requires 107.0 person-months = 8.9 years of development time, using one developer (excluding ongoing maintenance and extensibility work).
Download the white paper:
The Great Debate: Buy vs. Build
Rich Text Editors
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