List of upcoming changes for TinyMCE 6

This page lists the upcoming changes planned and announced for TinyMCE 6.0, including features that are deprecated and marked for removal. TinyMCE 6.0 will aim to clean up a large amount of legacy functionality that has accumulated during previous versions and is no longer applicable to modern web development or standards. This allows us to keep TinyMCE light, and fast loading in your applications.


Disabling the deprecation warning

To disable the TinyMCE 6.0 deprecation warning, set the deprecation_warnings option to false.

Tiny recommends switching to a newer option or API where possible, instead of disabling this warning. This will ease the migration to TinyMCE 6.0.

Example: Using deprecation_warnings

  selector: 'textarea',  // change this value according to your HTML
  deprecation_warnings: false


The mobile theme

The dedicated mobile theme, sometimes referred to as the legacy mobile theme was deprecated with the release of TinyMCE 5.1 and will be removed in TinyMCE 6.0. The silver theme was updated in TinyMCE 5.1 to provide an improved mobile experience.


The following plugins will be removed in TinyMCE 6.0 and will need to be removed from the plugins option when upgrading:

BBCode (bbcode)

The BBCode plugin (bbcode) was deprecated with the release of TinyMCE 5.9. For details, see the BBCode plugin deprecation notice. The BBCode plugin will be removed in TinyMCE 6.0.

Full Page (fullpage)

The Full Page plugin (fullpage) was deprecated with the release of TinyMCE 5.9. For details, see the Full Page plugin deprecation notice. The Full Page plugin will be removed in TinyMCE 6.0.

Image Tools (imagetools)

TinyMCE 5.10 will include the final release of the Image Tools plugin (imagetools) as an open source plugin. The Image Tools plugin will be removed from the open source bundle and be available as a premium plugin for TinyMCE 6.0.

Legacy Output (legacyoutput)

The Legacy Output plugin (legacyoutput) was deprecated with the release of TinyMCE 5.9. For details, see the Legacy Output plugin deprecation notice. The Legacy Output plugin will be removed in TinyMCE 6.0.

Spell Checker (spellchecker)

The free TinyMCE Spell Checker plugin (spellchecker) was deprecated with the release of TinyMCE 5.4. For details, see the free TinyMCE Spell Checker plugin deprecation notice. The free Spell Checker plugin will be removed in TinyMCE 6.0.

Table of Contents (toc)

TinyMCE 5.10 will include the final release of the Table of Contents (toc) as an open source plugin. The Table of Contents plugin will be removed from the open source bundle and be available as a premium plugin for TinyMCE 6.0.

The functionality of following plugins was moved to the TinyMCE core in TinyMCE 5.0 and must be removed from the plugin list in TinyMCE 6.0:

  • Color Picker

  • Context Menu

  • Text Color


The following options will be changed in TinyMCE 6.0:


The toolbar_mode option will no-longer accept the false value in TinyMCE 6.0, which was retained for backwards compatibility with the toolbar_drawer option. Use 'wrap' instead to keep the same functionality as false.


The forced_root_block option will no-longer accept the false value or an empty string value in TinyMCE 6.0. Setting forced_root_block to false is not compatible with Real-time Collaboration. It also blocks various editor functions from working correctly and causes non-semantic HTML to be generated.

The following options have been deprecated in TinyMCE 5.10 or earlier and will be removed in TinyMCE 6.0.


The autoresize_on_init option does not affect the autoresize behavior in TinyMCE 5, as the editor will always resize regardless of this option. This option would only forcibly resize at short intervals after the editor has initialized, which is no longer required and as such will be removed.


The convert_fonts_to_spans option would convert font elements to span styles to assist with the migration to newer HTML standards. Font elements were included in HTML 3 or earlier standards and have since been deprecated or removed.


The gecko_spellcheck option was deprecated and replaced by the browser_spellcheck option in TinyMCE 4.3.


The images_dataimg_filter option was deprecated in TinyMCE 5.3. This option can be used for an unintended use-case and is not compatible with Real-time Collaboration.


The media_scripts option is no longer useful in the modern web and did not work in most cases. As such it has been deprecated in TinyMCE 5.10.


The Microsoft Word specific paste handling functionality will be removed from the paste plugin. As a result, the paste_convert_word_fake_lists option will be removed in TinyMCE 6.0.


The Microsoft Word specific paste handling functionality will be removed from the paste plugin. As a result, the paste_retain_style_properties option will be removed in TinyMCE 6.0.


The Microsoft Word specific paste handling functionality will be removed from the paste plugin. As a result, the paste_word_valid_elements option will be removed in TinyMCE 6.0.


The spellchecker_select_languages option was deprecated and replaced by the content_langs option in TinyMCE 5.9. The new option provides better support for the BCP47 standard used for lang attributes and increased configuration capabilities.


The spellchecker_whitelist option was deprecated and replaced by the spellchecker_ignore_list option in TinyMCE 5.7. The new option provides additional functionality and avoids insensitive naming.


The table_responsive_width option was deprecated and replaced by the table_sizing_mode option in TinyMCE 5.4. Use the 'relative' or 'fixed' sizing modes to keep the same functionality.


The toolbar_drawer option was deprecated and replaced by the toolbar_mode option in TinyMCE 5.2. This change was made to reflect the range of settings available for this option.

The following undocumented or unsupported legacy options will be removed in TinyMCE 6.0.


The block_elements option could overide the built-in HTML schema to specify which elements should be treated as blocks. Using this option can break the editor and requires the default to be repeated with any desired changes. Additionally, browsers can’t be changed to render any of the customizations, so this was only useful for adding custom elements.


The boolean_attributes option could override the built-in HTML schema to specify which attributes should be treated as boolean attributes, whereby the value is irrelevant. Using this option can break the editor and requires the default to be repeated with any desired changes. Additionally, browsers can’t be changed to render or parse any of the customizations, so this was only useful for adding custom attributes.


The content_editable_state option controlled the initial state of the contenteditable attribute on the editor body. This caused issues. Once set, there was no way to change the state back later using the editor APIs and left the editor in an half-broken state.


The editor_deselector option is a legacy initialization option from TinyMCE 3 that allowed developers to specify a class to control which textareas should not be initialized as an editor. It was deprecated and replaced by the selector or target options in TinyMCE 4.


The editor_selector option is a legacy initialization option from TinyMCE 3 that allowed developers to specify a class to control which textareas should be initialized as an editor. It was deprecated and replaced by the selector or target options in TinyMCE 4.


The elements option is a legacy initialization option from TinyMCE 3 that allowed specifying a list of element ids for elements that should be initialized as an editor. It was deprecated and replaced by the selector or target options in TinyMCE 4.


The file_browser_callback_types option was deprecated and replaced by the file_picker_types option in TinyMCE 5.0.


The filepicker_validator_handler option was deprecated and replaced by the file_picker_validator_handler option in TinyMCE 5.0.15 due to inconsistent naming.


The force_hex_style_colors option was deprecated in TinyMCE 5.0. This option was used to force color styles stored as hexadecimal values instead of RGB strings.


The force_p_newlines option was deprecated and replaced by the forced_root_block option in TinyMCE 3.5. This option had been kept as an undocumented fallback.


The inline_styles option was primarily used for assisting with the migration to newer HTML standards. It enabled converting some deprecated HTML 3 or earlier elements to inline styles, such as font and strike.


The mode option is a legacy initialization option from TinyMCE 3 that allowed controlling which mode was used to initialize the editor (exact or textareas). It was deprecated and replaced by the selector or target options in TinyMCE 4.


The move_caret_before_on_enter_elements option allowed developers to override the built-in HTML schema to specify which elements the selection should be moved "in front of" when pressing enter on the keyboard. Using this option can break the editor and requires the default to be repeated with any desired changes.


The non_empty_elements option allowed developers to override the built-in HTML schema to specify which elements should always be treated as not being empty. Using this option can break the editor and requires the default to be repeated with any desired changes.


The padd_empty_with_br option would replace non-breaking spaces (&nbsp;) with <br> elements. This option however was misspelled, provided no functional difference to a non-breaking space and is incompatible with Real-time Collaboration.

TinyMCE 6.6.2 includes a new option, pad_empty_with_br that provides equivalent functionality.

The self_closing_elements option allowed developers to override the built-in HTML schema to specify which elements should be closed if a new element is started without a similar closing tag. Using this option can break the editor and requires the default to be repeated with any desired changes. Additionally, browsers can’t be changed to parse the customizations, so this option was not useful for customization.


The short_ended_elements option allowed developers to override the built-in HTML schema to specify which elements should be treated as void elements. Using this option can break the editor and requires the default to be repeated with any desired changes. Additionally, browsers can’t be changed to parse the customizations, so this was only useful for adding custom elements.


The special option allowed developers to override the built-in HTML schema to specify which elements should be treated as special and content inside should be treated as text when parsing HTML. Using this option can break the editor and requires the default to be repeated with any desired changes. Additionally, browsers can’t be changed to parse differently, so this setting was not useful.


The tab_focus option was deprecated and replaced by the tabfocus_elements option in TinyMCE 3.2. This option had been kept as an undocumented fallback.


The text_block_elements option allowed developers to override the built-in HTML schema to specify which elements should be treated as block text elements (such as those used for formatting). Using this option can break the editor and requires the default to be repeated with any desired changes.


The text_inline_elements option allowed developers to override the built-in HTML schema to specify which elements should be treated as inline text elements (such as those used for formatting). Using this option can break the editor and requires the default to be repeated with any desired changes.


The types option is a legacy initialization option from TinyMCE 3 that allowed developers to specify which type of elements should be initialized as an editor. It was deprecated and replaced by the selector or target options in TinyMCE 4.


The whitespace_elements option allowed developers to override the built-in HTML schema to specify which elements should be treated as rendering content as verbatim content. Using this option can break the editor and requires the default to be repeated with any desired changes. Additionally, browsers can’t be changed to parse differently, so this was only useful to add custom elements.


The following API classes, methods, or properties have been deprecated in TinyMCE 5.10 or earlier and will be removed in TinyMCE 6.0.

Split Toolbar Button APIs

The setIconStroke API (undocumented) was deprecated in TinyMCE 5.8.

tinymce.Env API properties

The following legacy properties were deprecated in TinyMCE 5.1 (or later):

  • android

  • caretAfter

  • ceFalse

  • contentEditable

  • desktop

  • experimentalShadowDom (deprecated in TinyMCE 5.5)

  • fileApi (deprecated in TinyMCE 5.10)

  • gecko

  • ie

  • iOS

  • mac

  • opera

  • range

  • webKit

For information on these properties, see: tinymce.Env - properties.

The tinymce.dom.DomQuery API class

The tinymce.dom.DomQuery class has been deprecated in TinyMCE 5.10. For information on the deprecated class, see: tinymce.dom.DomQuery.

The tinymce.dom.Sizzle API class

The tinymce.dom.Sizzle class has been deprecated in TinyMCE 5.10. This API class is undocumented and can be found in the TinyMCE source code: GitHub - tinymce/tinymce - Sizzle.ts.

tinymce.html.Schema API methods

The getSpecialElements method has been deprecated in TinyMCE 5.10. For information on the getSpecialElements method, see: tinymce.html.Schema - getSpecialElements.

tinymce.html.Styles API methods

The toHex method has been deprecated in TinyMCE 5.10. For information on the toHex method, see: tinymce.html.Styles - tohex.

tinymce API properties

The editors and settings (undocumented) properties have been deprecated in TinyMCE 5.10. For information on the deprecated properties, see: tinymce - properties.

tinymce.AddOnManager API methods

The addComponents and dependencies (undocumented) methods have been deprecated in TinyMCE 5.10. For information on the deprecated methods, see: tinymce.AddOnManager.

tinymce.Editor API methods

The execCallback and setMode methods and validate (undocumented) property have been deprecated in TinyMCE 5.10. For information on the deprecated methods, see: tinymce.Editor - methods.

The tinymce.util.Color API class

The undocumented tinymce.util.Color API class has been deprecated in TinyMCE 5.10. Details of this class can be found in the tinymce.util.Color source code.

tinymce.util.Delay API methods

The following API methods were deprecated in TinyMCE 5.10:

  • clearInterval

  • clearTimeout

  • debounce

  • requestAnimationFrame

  • setInterval

  • setTimeout

  • throttle

For all methods except debounce and throttle, use the native APIs instead. For information on these methods, see: tinymce.util.Delay - methods.

The tinymce.util.JSON API class

The tinymce.util.JSON class has been deprecated in TinyMCE 5.10. Use the native JSON API instead. For information on the deprecated class, see: tinymce.util.JSON.

The tinymce.util.JSONRequest API class

The tinymce.util.JSONRequest class has been deprecated in TinyMCE 5.10. For information on the deprecated class, see: tinymce.util.JSONRequest.

tinymce.util.Tools API methods

The create and createNS methods have been deprecated in TinyMCE 5.10. For information on the deprecated methods, see: tinymce.util.Tools method

The tinymce.util.XHR API class

The tinymce.util.XHR class has been deprecated in TinyMCE 5.10. Use the native Fetch API instead. For information on the deprecated class, see: tinymce.util.XHR.