Nonbreaking Space plugin

This plugin adds a button for inserting nonbreaking space entities   at the current caret location (cursor insert point). It also adds a menu item Nonbreaking space under the Insert menu dropdown and a toolbar button.

Basic setup

  selector: 'textarea',  // change this value according to your HTML
  plugins: 'nonbreaking',
  toolbar: 'nonbreaking'



This option allows you to force TinyMCE to insert three   entities when the user presses the keyboard tab key.

It’s important to note that this does not change the behavior of the menu and toolbar controls, which will continue to insert a single &nbsp entity when nonbreaking_force_tab value is true.

However, the true condition does capture the tab key and contain it within the editable area, whereas when set to its default state of false a tab keypress will move the cursor to the next editable area (e.g. a browser url bar or form field on the current page).

Usage with table or lists plugin

The nonbreaking_force_tab setting can break the following functionality:

  • The table plugin uses the Tab key for navigating between table cells.

  • The lists plugin uses the Tab key for item indentation.

Type: Boolean

Default value: false

Possible values: true, false

Example: using nonbreaking_force_tab

  selector: 'textarea',  // change this value according to your HTML
  plugins: 'nonbreaking',
  toolbar: 'nonbreaking',
  nonbreaking_force_tab: true


This option allows you to force TinyMCE to wrap non-breaking space characters inserted by the plugin in a <span class="mce-nbsp-wrap"></span> element. This will prevent the non-breaking space being replaced by the editor or browser when typing additional spaces.

Type: Boolean

Default value: true

Possible values: true, false

Example: using nonbreaking_wrap

  selector: 'textarea',  // change this value according to your HTML
  plugins: 'nonbreaking',
  toolbar: 'nonbreaking',
  nonbreaking_wrap: false

Toolbar buttons

The Nonbreaking Space plugin provides the following toolbar buttons:

Toolbar button identifier Description


Inserts a nonbreaking space into the editor.

These toolbar buttons can be added to the editor using:

The Nonbreaking Space plugin provides the following menu items:

Menu item identifier Default Menu Location Description



Inserts a nonbreaking space into the editor.

These menu items can be added to the editor using:


The Nonbreaking Space plugin provides the following TinyMCE command.

Command Description


Inserts a non breaking space at the cursor location or overwrites the current selection.
