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Create a Sidebar Panel

A short introduction to creating sidebars.

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Creating sidebars in TinyMCE is relatively easy and lets you add custom UI widgets inside a constrained and easily accessible area of the editor. The sidebar is designed to allow integrators and plugin authors to provide additional tools that can be used on the contents in tinymce.

Editor sidebar API

The sidebar API is relatively straightforward. It allows you to add sidebars on editor instances in a similar way as adding buttons or menu items. You can either add sidebars directly in the tinymce.init using the setup callback or inside your plugin.

This is the syntax for the addSidebar function: editor.addSidebar(id:String, options:Object)

Options object


The tooltip allows you to specify a tooltip to be displayed when hovering the sidebar toggle button.

Type: String


The icon allows you to specify an icon for the sidebar toggle button. The icon should be a name of an icon provided by the TinyMCE skin.

Type: String


The image allows you to specify a custom image URL to use as an icon.

Type: String


The onrender allows you to specify a function to be called when the panel is first created. It will pass in an API object.

Type: function


The onshow allows you to specify a function to be called when the panel displayed. It will pass in an API object.

Type: function


The onhide allows you to specify a function to be called when the panel has been hidden. It will pass in an API object.

Type: function

API Object


The element():DOMElement function returns the root element of the sidebar panel.

Example inside the tinymce.init

  setup: function (editor) {
    editor.addSidebar('mysidebar', {
      tooltip: 'My sidebar',
      icon: 'settings',
      onrender: function (api) {
        console.log('Render panel', api.element());
      onshow: function (api) {
        console.log('Show panel', api.element());
        api.element().innerHTML = 'Hello world!';
      onhide: function (api) {
        console.log('Hide panel', api.element());

Example inside a TinyMCE plugin

tinymce.PluginManager.add('myplugin', function (editor) {
  editor.addSidebar('mysidebar', {
    tooltip: 'My sidebar',
    icon: 'settings',
    onrender: function (api) {
      console.log('Render panel', api.element());
    onshow: function (api) {
      console.log('Show panel', api.element());
      api.element().innerHTML = 'Hello world!';
    onhide: function (api) {
      console.log('Hide panel', api.element());

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