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(Requires: 3.3)

This option enables you to override and add custom formats. A format is for example the style that get applied when you press the bold button inside the editor. TinyMCE is equipped with a text formatter engine that enables you to specify exactly what it should produce when the user clicks the bold button. Check out the custom formats example for a demonstration of this option.

Style merging

Similar elements and styles will be merged by default to reduce the output HTML size. So for example if you select a word and select a font size and font face for it. It will merge these to styles into one span element instead of one span for each format type.

Built in formats

TinyMCE has some built in formats that you can override. These are: alignleft, aligncenter, alignright, alignfull, bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, forecolor, hilitecolor, fontname, fontsize, blockquote, removeformat, p, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, div, address, pre, div, code, dt, dd, samp.

Some built in formats fontsize, fontname, forecolor, hilitecolor uses a variable in their definition named %value. This one gets replaced with the user selected item such as a color value. Check the variable substitution section below for details.

Format parameters

Each format has a set of parameters that you can specify.

Name Summary
inline Name of the inline element to produce for example "span". The current text selection will be wrapped in this inline element.
block Name of the block element to produce for example "h1". Existing block elements within the selection gets replaced with the new block element.
selector CSS 3 selector pattern to find elements within the selection by. This can be used to apply classes to specific elements or complex things like odd rows in a table.
classes Space separated list of classes to apply the the selected elements or the new inline/block element.
styles Name/value object with CSS style items to apply such as color etc.
attributes Name/value object with attributes to apply to the selected elements or the new inline/block element.
exact Disables the merge similar styles feature when used. This is needed for some CSS inheritance issues such as text-decoration for underline/strikethough.
wrapper State that tells that the current format is a container format for block elements. For example a div wrapper or blockquote.

Example of usage of the formats option

This example overrides some of the built in formats and tells TinyMCE to apply classes instead of inline styles. It also includes a custom format that produced h1 elements with a title attribute and a red css style.

// Output elements in HTML style
    formats : {
        alignleft : {selector : 'p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,div,ul,ol,li,table,img', classes : 'left'},
        aligncenter : {selector : 'p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,div,ul,ol,li,table,img', classes : 'center'},
        alignright : {selector : 'p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,div,ul,ol,li,table,img', classes : 'right'},
        alignfull : {selector : 'p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,td,th,div,ul,ol,li,table,img', classes : 'full'},
        bold : {inline : 'span', 'classes' : 'bold'},
        italic : {inline : 'span', 'classes' : 'italic'},
        underline : {inline : 'span', 'classes' : 'underline', exact : true},
        strikethrough : {inline : 'del'},
                forecolor : {inline : 'span', classes : 'forecolor', styles : {color : '%value'}},
                hilitecolor : {inline : 'span', classes : 'hilitecolor', styles : {backgroundColor : '%value'}},
        custom_format : {block : 'h1', attributes : {title : "Header"}, styles : {color : red}}

Using custom formats

Custom formats can be handled though the TinyMCE API. Here is a basic example of usage for the custom format defined above.

// Applying the specified format

// Removing the specified format

Variable substitution

You can use variables in your format definition these variables are then replaced with ones specified the specified in the call to the apply function. Here is an example how to use variables within formats.

// Registering the special format with a variable
tinymce.activeEditor.formatter.register('custom_format', {inline : 'span', styles : {color : '%value'}});

// Applying the specified format with the variable specified
tinymce.activeEditor.formatter.apply('custom_format', {value : 'red'});

Remove format

The remove format behavior can be modifed by setting the removeformat see the example below:

removeformat : [
    {selector : 'b,strong,em,i,font,u,strike', remove : 'all', split : true, expand : false, block_expand : true, deep : true},
    {selector : 'span', attributes : ['style', 'class'], remove : 'empty', split : true, expand : false, deep : true},
    {selector : '*', attributes : ['style', 'class'], split : false, expand : false, deep : true}

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