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Namespace tinymce
Class AddOnManager

This class handles the loading of themes/plugins or other add-ons and their language packs.

Public Methods

Method Defined By
add(id:String, o:Theme/Plugin):Theme/Plugin : Adds a instance of the add-on by it's short name. AddOnManager
get(n:String):Theme/Plugin : Returns the specified add on by the short name. AddOnManager
load(n:String, u:String, cb:function, s:Object):void : Loads an add-on from a specific url. AddOnManager
requireLangPack(n:String):void : Loads a language pack for the specified add-on. AddOnManager

Public Events

Event Defined By
onAdd() : Fires when a item is added. AddOnManager

Method details


public function add(id:String, o:Theme/Plugin):Theme/Plugin
Adds a instance of the add-on by it's short name.


Param Detail
id:String Short name/id for the add-on.
o:Theme/Plugin Theme or plugin to add.

Theme/Plugin - The same theme or plugin instance that got passed in.



public function get(n:String):Theme/Plugin
Returns the specified add on by the short name.


Param Detail
n:String Add-on to look for.

Theme/Plugin - Theme or plugin add-on instance or undefined.


public function load(n:String, u:String, cb:function, s:Object):void
Loads an add-on from a specific url.


Param Detail
n:String Short name of the add-on that gets loaded.
u:String URL to the add-on that will get loaded.
cb:function Optional callback to execute ones the add-on is loaded.
s:Object Optional scope to execute the callback in.



public function requireLangPack(n:String):void
Loads a language pack for the specified add-on.


Param Detail
n:String Short name of the add-on.

Event details


public event onAdd()
Fires when a item is added.

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