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Namespace tinymce.ui
Class MenuButton
Inheritance MenuButton Control

This class is used to create a UI button. A button is basically a link that is styled to look like a button or icon.


Public Methods

Method Defined By
MenuButton(id:String, s:Object, ed:Editor) : Constructs a new split button control instance. MenuButton
destroy():void : Destroys the control will free any memory by removing event listeners etc. Control
hideMenu(e:Event):void : Hides the menu. MenuButton
isActive():Boolean : Returns true/false if the control is disabled or not. Control
isDisabled():Boolean : Returns true/false if the control is disabled or not. Control
isRendered():Boolean : Returns true/false if the control has been rendered or not. Control
postRender():void : Post render handler. MenuButton
remove():void : Removes the control. Control
renderHTML():String : Renders the control as a HTML string. Control
renderMenu():void : Renders the menu to the DOM. MenuButton
renderTo(n:Element):void : Renders the control to the specified container element. Control
setActive(s:Boolean):void : Sets the activated state for the control. Control
setDisabled(s:Boolean):void : Sets the disabled state for the control. Control
setState(c:String, s:Boolean):void : Sets the specified class state for the control. Control
showMenu():void : Shows the menu. MenuButton

Public Events

Event Defined By
onRenderMenu() : Fires when the menu is rendered. MenuButton

Method details


public function MenuButton(id:String, s:Object, ed:Editor)
Constructs a new split button control instance.


Param Detail
id:String Control id for the split button.
s:Object Optional name/value settings object.
ed:Editor Optional the editor instance this button is for.


public function hideMenu(e:Event):void
Hides the menu. The optional event parameter is used to check where the event occured so it doesn't close them menu if it was a event inside the menu.


Param Detail
e:Event Optional event object.


public function postRender():void
Post render handler. This function will be called after the UI has been rendered so that events can be added.


public function renderMenu():void
Renders the menu to the DOM.


public function showMenu():void
Shows the menu.

Event details


public event onRenderMenu()
Fires when the menu is rendered.

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