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Real-time collaboration: Closed cloud beta

December 9th, 2020

4 min read

A group of real-time collaboration avatars.

Written by

Ben Long


World of WYSIWYG

Tiny is excited to announce that its real-time collaboration technology is now in closed beta, and we’re keen to get our latest innovation into the hands of developers, businesses, and their employees.

Now you can add real-time collaborative editing, like Google Docs, to any application.

Real-time collaboration demo with multiple users typing simultaneously in TinyMCE.

Real-time collaboration

Collaboration is key to success in any organization, and there has never been a better time for businesses to improve online collaboration to help their teams work together more effectively:

  • Modern workplaces require teams and individuals to collaborate faster and more efficiently.
  • With more organizations embracing remote work, geographically-dispersed teams demand tools to share content easily and directly work together - they need to ensure everyone has access and visibility to the same information.
  • There’s increasing importance for applications to support, not hinder, collaboration.

Two octopuses typing on laptops

Real-time collaboration provides a solution to this need, enabling people to work on content together in an efficient and effective way, as experienced in applications like Google Docs, and it can be employed to enhance several applications; for example:

  • News and editorial publishing - Speed to publication is important to publishers. With real-time collaboration, editorial teams can create quality content faster by bringing together authors, editors, and freelancers to produce and review content in one place.
  • e-Learning - Collaboration with peers is an effective teaching strategy that promotes creativity and also keeps students engaged. Getting learners to share and collaborate on projects and assignments enriches the learning experience. Incorporating collaboration into your LMS application enables learners to work together to complete assignments and group projects.
  • Cross-departmental content production and workflow - Organizations, both small and large, are content creating machines. Rarely are documents drafted by one individual. More often than not, several people and even multiple teams are involved in the process. Whether employees are creating client proposals, marketing materials, technical docs, or knowledge bases, the ability to collaborate on daily work helps keep everyone on the same page. Real-time collaboration improves version control and provides instant visibility on content status across projects.
  • Partner collaboration - Organizations work with various external parties and often need to share and collaborate on documents in real-time. With real-time collaboration, everyone has ongoing access to the most recent shared draft of documents.
  • Collaborative meeting notes - Meetings involve multiple stakeholders with shared agendas and action items. Real-time collaborative editing in note-taking applications allows the team to prepare together and take notes together, providing the opportunity to capture everyone’s perspectives.
  • Email/web content creation - Real-time collaboration can help teams generate and publish email and website content faster by bringing content creators together to edit and review content simultaneously.

Real-time collaboration in TinyMCE

TinyMCE is the world’s most popular WYSIWYG HTML editor, and is used as the text entry component in millions of applications worldwide. (See 9 examples of products built with TinyMCE.)

Imagine if every instance of TinyMCE could be supercharged so that those existing applications - as well as newer, more innovative applications - could take advantage of the benefits that real-time collaboration offers.

Well, now they can!

New and existing applications using TinyMCE will be able to incorporate real-time collaboration simply by bundling the feature with the rest of the editor configuration. Once real-time collaboration is enabled on the TinyMCE editor, users will be able to view and create content simultaneously.

A collaborative workspace built with TinyMCE’s real-time collaboration.

Tiny’s real-time collaboration offering is ideal for:

  • Enterprise organizations looking to update their workflows and modernize their systems for improved productivity and to help their workplace embrace collaboration.
  • Developers and SaaS companies looking to add collaborative experiences to their products to improve user experience and unlock revenue opportunities.

Promote collaboration by bringing content creators together in one place, and eliminate problems introduced by version control and delays due to reviews and approvals. Plus, with enterprise-grade end-to-end encryption built in, you can rest assured that content managed by your applications is protected and secure.

Get started with real-time collaboration in your apps

Tiny’s real-time collaboration is currently in closed beta and we’re excited to get our latest innovation into the hands of developers, businesses, and their employees. During the closed beta period, we’re offering limited access to select customers to check out the next evolution of real-time collaboration.

If you or your organization is interested in taking part in this, check on the TinyMCE Roadmap! You can contribute an idea, or stay informed on new ideas for Tiny's future.

Otherwise, stay informed by registering your interest and following our blog for the latest updates.

By registering your interest in real-time collaboration, we’ll keep you informed of the public release date. While real-time collaboration is in closed beta, we’ll be collecting feedback from users and tweaking the product to ensure it meets Tiny’s high-quality standards of general availability releases.

Join the free Beta

byBen Long

Computer scientist, storyteller, teacher, and an advocate of TinyMCE. Reminisces about programming on the MicroBee. Writes picture books for kids. Also the wearer of rad shoes. “Science isn’t finished until you share the story.”

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