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TinyMCE webinar: Q2 review, and a preview of the Q3 & Q4 roadmap

July 18th, 2019

1 min read


Written by

Team Tiny


World of WYSIWYG


If you missed our TinyMCE webinar this week, you missed a good one – we reviewed important product updates from Q2 for the core editor, premium features and plugins, and Tiny Drive. We also talked about Tiny Product Week, Tiny Labs, and introduced a new third-party tech partner and the plugins this company has built for TinyMCE.

But don't worry – we've got you covered. You can watch the full webinar at the link below, or if there's just one or two particular areas you're interested in, we've also provided shorter clips from which you can choose.

Happy viewing!

TinyMCE product update - July 16, 2019 (full webinar)

byTeam Tiny

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